Gorillas Can Dance on Leadership and Loyalty™ with Dov Baron!
Almost every startup hopes and dreams that one day they'll have the power and leverage of an industry giant. However, in becoming so big, those industry giants lose a lot of their agility. But what if these two very different ways of doing business found a way to come together? What could the Gorillas of industry teach startups? Moreover, could the startup teach these gorillas how to dance?
In the two-part series of the widely followed Leadership and Loyalty podcast, hosted by the inimitable Dov Baron, I shared my new book, Gorillas Can Dance, and talked about the why, how, and where of partnering between corporations and startups, as well as about how asymmetries between startups and large corporates can be turned into not only a win-win but a truly meaningful partnership.
You can also listen to the discussion via the Podcast below:
The Dance of Trust
Making a Difference
From NGO to Start-ups and Microsoft
Getting Past the Gatekeepers
Getting Gorillas to Trust Startups
Getting Startup’s to Trust Gorillas
Non-Peripheral Skunks
The Big Lessons from Microsoft
None Ordinary Ally's
Mastering the Asymmetric Dance
Choreographing The 3 Areas of Asymmetry
The Yin and The Yang of Gorilla and Startup Thinking
The Why-How-Where of a Successful Union
Revenge of The Toothless Tigers Changing leadership