Corporates and Start-ups Must Collaborate over Climate Change

The COP26 summit in Glasgow has drawn growing attention to the climate change challenge facing the world – and of the important role businesses of all sizes have to play in addressing it.

COP26 provides a valuable wake up call to businesses around the world, big and small, to get their act together and join forces to their mutual benefit, and that of the planet we inhabit.

Corporate-startup partnering offers a promising way to innovate for climate change and the other SDGs. And there are three ways in which big corporations can help to create the conditions for small startups to engage with them effectively:

1.     The mutual benefits should be clearly specified.

2.     A clearly identifiable first port of call should be provided.

3.     Observable success stories of partnering helps greatly.

You can read more in my The Scotsman article, “COP26 provides a valuable wake up call to businesses to get their act together - Shameen Prashantham.“


Lessons from Microsoft on Partnering with Startups | Executive Forum


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